Try It

Try It

• Pick a medical reference app on your phone.

• Not sure if it’s a medical reference app? If the app provides information on disease treatment or diagnosis it should be considered a medical reference app.

• Using your medical reference app, pick a diagnosis that you would look up using the app. Example “Asthma”

• Using the information provided by the medical reference app go through each category and fill out a score based if you were able to find the information. Some information may be hiding in the about section of the app.

• Give 3 points if the information was “adequate”. Give 1 point if the information was “unclear”. Give 0 points if the information “not adequate” or “not reported”. (2 points are not allotted in the scoring system)

• The highest quality of apps should have a perfect score of 15/15.

• If you systematically evaluated an app please send us the results and we will add it to our database.

Now give it a try:

3 points if the information was “adequate”
1 point if the information was “unclear”
0 points if the information “not adequate” or “not reported”
(2 points are not allotted in the scoring system)
